1 Year Blog Anniversary - The Things I've Learned

woman holding letter board that says one year blog anniversarywoman holding letter board that says one year blog anniversaryWow. Embracing Chaos was formed one year ago. I can't believe all that has happened since I dove into this blogging world: my husband is finally on his way out of medical school, we celebrated our 6 year anniversary yesterday (see 5 year anniversary photos and post here), and our family grew from 4 to 5 this year as we welcomed Nathaniel into the world. It was a whirlwind...hard, fun, and good.

Embracing Chaos came to me in the middle of having two kids under two, a husband rarely home, and feeling stuck in a new city.

I dove into writing for myself and for my family because it was so hard to relate to anyone going through the same thing. I knew other moms with kids close together, I knew other families going through medical school, and I knew of other wives who had husbands that were gone a lot. But, I didn't know anyone going through ALL of that. I started this blog in 2016 as a place to document my kids and a family journal that we could look back on. Although I still love writing about my kids, the focus of my blog has shifted to writing about motherhood, embracing this season of raising babies, helping other moms find great products that make life easier, and earning a little extra money.Through asking a TON of questions from my blogging friends, taking lots of photos, and writing what I was passionate about, I started getting excited about this whole blogging world last year! I try to "Embrace the Chaos" daily but find myself still struggling with that sometimes. This has been a great outlet and I'm so thankful for all my readers, followers, and friends who actually care about my little space here on the internet.I want to take a minute and write down the things I've learned since becoming a blogger and social media influencer. It's good to remember where you've come from, what you've learned, and have an excitement for the future.

I've learned...
  1. Blogging takes SO much time. I've really had to balance time with the kids, know when to put my phone away, and set a schedule so I can actually be a wife and mom first. And that's actually hard. I still have to work on it daily and make a conscious effort. In all honesty, there are still times when I get a package or email and want to dive right into opening it and getting to work. But...then I remember I have to be at preschool pick-up, my middle is hungry, and I'm in the process of nursing Nate. Balance. (Read 6 Things You Might Not Know About Mama Bloggers)
  2. It's been so good for my emotional health having this creative outlet. In the midst of a crazy day, blogging brings me some excitement and wonderful people to make the hard days a little better :)
  3. You can blog and not have a huge house, nice kitchen, or money. You don't have to "have it all" to write what you're passionate about and get a collaboration with a company. I'll even let you in on a little secret....I totally drove to my friend's house and took a photo in her kitchen because mine is NOT worth documenting! Check it out, hahaha!
  4. Some of my favorite people are moms and woman I've never met, but have a friendship that bloomed over Instagram. While Instagram can be annoying, filled with negativity, and seem like a game, it can also truthfully be wonderful. I have a love-hate relationship with it.
  5. To care less about what people think of me and my family. Everyone has their opinions and a lot of people voice them. Who cares! If Instagram blew up, you'd never see or talk to those people anyways. Worry about your own family and life.
  6. No amount of "things" that I review will ever satisfy. My relationship with Christ and my family is all that truly matters. Yes, I like it when I can provide a new bed for my kid, or a new outfit for Nate (poor kid being on the 3rd set of hand me down) or a hat for my husband! Who wouldn't!? I looooove that aspect of things. But, my life isn't full because of new things. My life is full because of my sweet boys.
  7. Comment pods, Telegram groups, and Giveaways all have their time and place. I left all groups because I didn't have time to catch up on everyone's stuff! It was like Instagram on steroids being in telegram groups and comment pods. No, thank you. And I think giveways are fun for your followers every once in awhile, but that's my own opinion. Maybe everyone hates them.
  8. You need to charge for your time, just like any job. I did stuff for free or for a product exchange for THE LONGEST TIME! In all honesty, I'm still learning to charge. I don't know why it's so dang hard for me, but I have to remember #1. This gig takes so much time...why in the world would I do everything for free?
  9. Even though it feels like a numbers game at times, remember that you are unique, you have a story to tell, and there isn't any other blogger out there exactly like you. People can like that or not. Go back to #5.
  10. Small shops are so wonderful!
  11. It's ok to block people, say "no", or negotiate pricing. I've learned to stand my ground. It's not always personal, sometimes it's just business. Have confidence in what you can offer!
  12. How horrible I am at landing on one filter, one profile photo, and one look for my Instagram! I love switching things up and don't know when I'll ever figure it out, haha :) I've supported so many friends and bought their filters, downloaded dozens of apps to try to get a "free look," and I've spent way too much time figuring out my favorite colors. (Hand on face) But, oh well! I'm still a work in progress just like my Insta game.
  13. To never compare. Do you. There will ALWAYS be someone with more followers, more collabs, charging more, getting more likes, looking more fashionable, getting cuter things, and so on and so forth. It can be so exhausting. Be done and focus on your blog, your IG, your family.
  14. It's always worth reaching out to companies even if they say no. You might have 10 no's before a yes and thats OK! I've totally received plenty of "no's" from people and haven't been picked for campaigns. In the moment, it might feel discouraging and be rough. In the long run, it's ok. Never burn bridges either because you never know who will pop up down the road and want you to collab with them.
  15. My husband is a great insta husband. Thanks babe.
  16. Lastly, appreciate your followers and readers. They have lives and often busy ones. And you know what? There are 30 million bloggers in the US alone, and these readers of yours chose to follow YOU and read YOUR blog. So be thankful, even if it's only a couple hundred views or a few thousand IG followers.

As always, thank you so much for reading. You have no idea how much I appreciate each and every one of you!xoxoNicoleSide note: I'm always open to change. If you want to see something different on this blog, let me know!!!


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