2017 Reflection

fullsizerender-1-44Oh my goodness I'm so excited for 2018! This year was pretty difficult for me and our family. Andrew had a rough schedule (we're talking nights and weekends and 17 hour shifts where he'd go days without seeing the boys), at the same time I had a first and second trimester full of horrible morning sickness and pains. All while running after 2 toddlers. I remember falling to my knees in despair multiple times and just sobbing and praying that this season of life would pass. This may seem dramatic, but pregnancy is not an easy thing for me and I really don't like living life and raising my kids without my husband. It was the thorn in my flesh for almost the entire year. I remember looking at the kids and telling them it's going to be ok. And it was. It was ok. By the grace of God we all got through it. The next 4 years will be difficult and we'll have seasons JUST like this, BUT...I know we can get through it now because we've already walked it.On the up side, I got really close to Jesus this year. I had to make decisions on my own, go to appointments alone, do most things alone, and really find my sense of independence while still needing my husband. I had to be strong for myself and for the kids, present, and wise. I had to make my own schedule, learn flexibility, and to shake things off if/when plans changed. After this year, some things just don't matter to me anymore...I care less and have less time for drama, messes, and issues. There were things that would stress me out sooooo much or make me soooo mad that I'd be brought to tears. But now, I see in a different way how important my family is, how thankful I am for this journey, for God entrusting me with His plan for our lives, and for giving me everything I need in life. There's literally nothing I want. Except maybe a bigger closet :)A few highlights in 2017:1. Reid turned one! Our little chunk weighs more than his older brother, he is the sweetest and talks ALL.THE.TIME. He eats and sleeps like a champ and we're seeing his feisty/needy personality come out too. He gives the best hugs, and when he grabs his blankie and says "snuggle"... my heart melts! [gallery ids="3281,3280,3279,3278,3277,3276,3275,3274,3273" type="rectangular"]2. Wesley started preschool and soccer! We have seen him thrive in every area because of these! The interactions with other kids, listening and respecting other adults, being potty trained, eating lunch with other kids, and giving me time alone with Reid has changed our family. I love our boys so much! Wes is so agile, smart, loving and Mr. Personality!

 [gallery ids="3271,3270,3269,3268,3267,3266" type="square" columns="2"]3. Andrew finished his 2nd year of medical school and is now more than half way through his 3rd year! Thank you Jesus! We're both so excited to land on a specialty and see where God takes us in the future with whatever Andrew decides! And of course, I'm still praying we stay here for Residency. :)4. I quit LLR and switched to Agnes & Dora...and then started in the mama blogging world! I love having my own side business besides just being a mom and wife. I had tons of special orders this year for my hand lettering, and with the clothing companies I was able to help pay for school, put money in savings, pay for an anniversary trip, preschool and stuff with cars! So thankful! Thank you to all my amazing friends, family, and faithful customers! [gallery ids="3261,3255,3256" type="rectangular"]5. Blessed with the news that we are pregnant with baby boy #3! Having 3 boys under 3 1/2 is going to be a lot but I always wanted all my kids before Residency and before the age of 30. I am very fortunate...and busy...and life is crazy. But I'm so excited to be a boy mom to 3! I absolutely love it! I'm also excited to have this baby because I'm down to the wire and getting huge. I'm so sore and over it haha [gallery ids="3260,3254,3253,3252" type="square" columns="2"]6. Celebrated my Grandpa's 80th birthday! I'm so lucky to have THE BEST grandparents ever. They've been an active part of my life since birth and I've even lived with them twice. They are a huge part of my life and two of the most important people. So...to have the family together this Christmas and celebrate was very special. Those are the moments we live for. :) [gallery ids="3250,3251" type="rectangular"]7. Celebrated 5 years of marriage at the Broadmoor!!! [gallery ids="3262,3259,3258,3257" type="rectangular"]And here are a few of my favorite pics of just the boys this year!!! [gallery ids="3284,3285,3289,3290,3291" type="rectangular"] Happy New Year and cheers to 2018!xoxoNicole


Pink Blush : Charcoal Leggings


Pink Blush : Chiffon Maternity Top