Wesley's THREE!

Wesley Owen is three and what a year this has been! I automatically think of the dozens of crazy things (and scary things for me) that Wes has done as a 2 year-old that I'll never forget...here are a few:

  • Opened the car door on the highway
  • Hid in a cage at the Zoo
  • Climbed to the top of a 15 foot high ropes course at the big kid park
  • Puked every time he didn't like the texture in some food (THANK GOD that season is over with)

He's fearless, athletic, independent, a daredevil, stubborn, courageous, and likes things his way. He likes to wake up at night, not eat, and meet new people. Never suggest to do something that you can't follow through on with this kid! haha!Now for some awesome things and fun things about him :)

  • He's potty trained
  • He sleeps in a big boy bed
  • He's talking A LOT (Babbled until 2 1/2)
  • He eats with a spoon and fork (more than 50% now)
  • He goes in Sunday School by himself
  • He likes his window down when driving
  • He loves tater tots from Chick-Fil-A, the park, climbing everything and jumping off anything (no matter the height)
  • He knows his ABCs
  • After he knows he's been naughty, he looks at me, tilts his head, and says "I love you momma." Gets me almost every time that stinker! :)
  • He loves people and his family so, so much
  • He's smart, inquisitive, loves learning, and remembers everything
  • His athleticism is way beyond his age
  • He paints inside the lines (this shocks me)
  • He's always up for something new
  • His joy and love for life is contagious! He's so fun to be around

This year has been extremely difficult and emotional for me. Wesley, more than anything, is the one thing that has pushed me close to Jesus. We all have hard stuff we're experiencing and walking through. Whether it's finances, infertility, difficult marriage, hard kids, family issues, you name it. We all have something. My something was/is Wesley. I got to an extremely low point with him where I felt helpless, inadequate, and kept asking God why I was placed as his mom. After trying everything in the book, I didn't feel like I was loving, disciplining and helping him like he needed. "WHY GOD! Why am I his mom?"After months of asking the Lord, I finally heard loud and clear 2 things from Him. One, Wesley needed someone stronger than him to be his mom, and that person is me. Two, I have Wesley to thank because if I look back at this hard year, God used him to edify my faith, bring me closer to Him, ask hard questions, and help me understand the love and grace of Christ.Those answers were EVERYTHING to me!!!! God validated me in my weakest moment. And the funny thing is, well not really funny, but a lot hasn't changed. I just needed His Truth and His words to get me through.I think as moms, we're constantly wondering what we did wrong, how we can do better, feeling guilty because we're working at a job all day or not as loving as that other mom, and the list goes on. It's a lot. We love our children more than anything! That love drives us crazy sometimes ha! But this past year I've slowly learned what works for Wesley. We have a lot more to learn but I think Preschool and Soccer will do wonders and I'm really happy for him that he'll have those outlets. Learning to cater to each kid depending on their personality...is hard for me. What works for Wes definitely doesn't work for Reid. And vice versa. I'm 150% in this mom/parenting season and sometimes I feel like I'm losing myself because during those RARE moments of the day where I have some "me time", I'm preparing the next meal, trying to make a little money for our family, reading books to help me with the kids, and drinking tea that's supposed to help with nausea because yes, I'm still sick.So.... Wesley, you are wonderful. You are strong and stubborn. You'd rather play than eat, and your imagination is flourishing. You are SO LOVED, and you are worth every second of my time, energy, effort, and love. Happy Birthday baby boy!Processed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 presetProcessed with VSCO with s2 preset    Processed with VSCO with s2 preset Processed with VSCO with s2 preset Processed with VSCO with s2 preset


Boys. Preschool. Pregnancy.


Our baby is ONE